Lead from Within:

Three Steps to Strengthen Your Self-Leadership

This three-part audio series is designed to help you reconnect with your inner leader and strengthen your self-leadership from the inside out.


Audio 1: Leadership Begins Within You

This first audio explores what leadership truly means - not as a title or role, but as the way you show up in your everyday life.

Audio 2: Anchor Your Leadership

In this second audio, we use visualisation as a tool for anchoring your leadership amongst the constant change of flow in life.

We explore how boundaries aren't barriers, but anchors that keep you steady and aligned with your values

Audio 3: Permission to Lead

This final audio is doubling down on what’s needed to give yourself permission to lead. Strengthening your self-leadership starts with the mindset to be the leader.

 BONUS: Reflection Guide

Combined with the audio series above, this guide is an added tool for reflecting on how you anchor and strengthen your self-leadership.

It guides you through reflective practices that explore what it means to be in your leadership, and how you choose to show up.

*No sign up required*

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