Amy McLean | Te Kāinga Wāhine
I support wāhine Māori to grow their leadership & impact!
Joined TKW Membership on: 27 Dec 2023
He uri ahau nō Waikato me Ngāti Māhanga,
Kei Karamu ahau e noho ana.
He Kaiarataki o Te Kāinga Wāhine,
Ko Amy McLean tōku ingoa.
My fundamental belief is that every single one of us, has leadership within. Whether you have a pakihi, or you’re working in a professional organisation, Te Kāinga Wāhine is here to help you draw out that leadership, to grow your impact.
Because our rangatahi, our tamariki, and our mokopuna deserve role models! So they can see what wāhine Māori are really capable of achieving. So they can determine their own futures and be confident advocates, leaders and influencers of change in their own time.
My experience
My professional career started at the age of 17, working in as a Junior Accountant whilst studying a Bachelor of Business. I spent five years in accounting, following a “smart-choice” pathway, before I followed the nudge to find creativity. I landed in the fitness industry, where I spent eight years working in sales, communications & marketing, and management.
After having our pōtiki, I followed the next nudge into business, after training as a Coach through an ICF credentialed programme. I have since coached and facilitated a variety of business owners and professionals with a particular focus on mindset, business, and leadership.
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