Connecting wāhine with their potential.

Supporting wāhine Māori professionals and business owners to connect, grow and lead with confidence.

You’re on a mission to make a difference.

E hoa, we see you.

You’re searching for ways to breath life into the mission you’ve had on your heart for years.

Maybe you lack the confidence to take the next step, and you’ve struggled to find the right growth and development opportunities.

Perhaps you feel isolated in your role, and you haven’t had the right support around you. You’ve been looking for others who “get it”.

You may not call yourself a leader, but those feelings you’ve got - the niggle, the butterflies, the uncertainty? That’s your leadership potential telling you - you’re ready to step into the arena.

Te Kāinga Wāhine Podcast

Our podcast brings you stories and lessons to inspire, connect, and grow your leadership as wāhine. It sparks curiosity and encourages you to explore your own leadership potential. Check out some of our favourite episodes:

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