Everything is workoutable by YOU

I’m curious to know, what comes up when I say to you, that I believe all humans are naturally creative and resourceful?

Maybe confusion?
Maybe a frown?
Maybe resistance to the idea?

That’s what came up for me, when I first heard those words in Coach Training.

I was being told that everything, everything is workoutable, and not only workoutable, but workoutable by me.

All kinds of excuses, and justifications for why this could not possibly be the case were coming up.

For starters, if I have no money, I have no money right? I can’t just make money appear out of nowhere.


The thing is, I actually can make money appear out of nowhere. It comes down to the desire I have for that money to appear.

There have been many moments in my early stages of business, where we have been bootstrapped and broke. Where sales wouldn’t have worked out, or clients hadn’t paid their invoices by their due dates, and our rent was due.

Will you believe though, we have never missed a rent payment, despite some weeks me seemingly not having two dollars to rub together.

Because in those moments I really leaned into my ability to be resourceful.

I became naturally creative.
I found other ways to solve the problem.
I shifted money from savings.
I asked for help from my family.
I asked for extensions on payment dates for other bills.
I followed up on unpaid invoices.
I pushed myself to find new work.

All of these actions proved that not only am I resourceful and naturally creative, but I am also able to make money appear out of nowhere.

When I hear from clients that they don't have enough of something, what I'm really hearing is a lack of trust, or belief in their own resourcefulness.

I hear a fear of not being able to do what needs to be done.

When I hear a client say I don’t know, I see a discomfort sitting with uncovering the answer they do know.

Perhaps a fear of the answer being wrong?
Perhaps a fear of being judged?
Perhaps a resistance to doing something that feels unnatural, uncomfortable, or different?

So sometimes, when we’re having these conversations, it means sitting in discomfort for a while. It means being silent, or frowning, or being confused.

Because as a Coach, when I choose to see my coaching clients as naturally creative and resourceful, what it means is I see them as having the answers they need within them.

My job isn’t to tell them what is right. That’s what mentors and advisors do with knowledge or skill gaps. My job as a Coach is to support them through purposeful questioning to uncover their own answers within them.

And so when I choose to believe in my clients abilities, it reframes the discomfort that we might sit in momentarily, as I allow them time to find those resources.

When you’re pushed to find the answers within, when the need or desire is burning, you can make happen, what you need or want.

Do you believe me?


Here are some ways that you can take a step to a naturally creative and resourceful mindset.

Journaling Prompts

Consider a challenge in your life right now. Journal on new ways that you could overcome this.

Consider a goal that you have right now. Journal on new ways that you could achieve this.

Use questions like “what else” and “what if” to support you to journal even deeper.


I choose to write affirmations in my journal daily, to strengthen the belief in my mind. You might like to daily journal your affirmations, or display them around your house (on the fridge, your mirror, near your desk).

I affirm: I am a naturally creative, resourceful and whole human being.

I affirm: Everything I need is within me, I am in control of my way forward.


I walk in two worlds - as a Māori and Pākehā Business Woman